Planning, Fire Safety & Disability Access Consultants..
Coastguard Road,
Rush, Co. Dublin.
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Coastguard Road, Rush, Co. Dublin. 01 8439667

Fire Safety & Disability Access Certification

CC & Associates > Fire Safety & Disability Access Certification


Fire Safety Certificate, all buildings should be built in accordance with the Building Regulations 1997 and the Building Control Regulations 2007. The Technical Guidance Document; ‘Part B – Fire’ Forms part of these Regulations and provides guidance in relation to the material, methods of construction, standards and other specifications that are suitable in preventing the occurrence and spread of fire within the building and the subsequent loss of life of persons inhabiting or visiting the building along with the loss of property.

Fire Safety Certificates (FSC) is granted on foot of an application to the local authority, and is similar to a planning application in that drawings, report, application form and application fee have to be compiled and submitted to the Council to show how the intended building will comply with the appropriate legislation. Usually a ‘DAC’ application is submitted at the same time to the Council as a FSC Application. Refer to Disability
Access Certificate Application (DAC) later on for clarification.

Please email drawings of the project to the above email address and a quote will be furnished to you promptly.

fire / disability Certs Ireland
disability access certificates


The Technical Guidance Document; ‘Part M’ forms part of the Building Regulations 1997-2010. It provides guidance on designing a building and its environs to make it more accessible and usable for people with disabilities. A Disability Access Certificate Application is an application that is made to the Council to demonstrate to them, that adequate provision has been made for people with disabilities by complying with Part M of the Building Regulations 1997-2010.

A Disability Access Certificate (DAC) Application is usually lodged to the Council at the same time as a Fire Safety Certificate Application and both applications run through the system concurrently. A ‘DAC’ and ‘FSC’ Applications can be lodged with the Council at the same time as a Planning Application for the same works; however this is risky as the Council may ask for changes to be made to the Planning Application and this Means the ‘DAC’ and ‘FSC’ might have to be revised as well. Therefore a ‘DAC’ is best being lodged at the same time as a FSC Application, which is after Planning Permission is obtained. A DAC is similar to a FSC in the sense that drawings, report, application form and fee are required to be submitted to the Council to show how the intended building will comply with the appropriate legislation. A Revised Disability Access Certificate (RDAC) Application is an application whereby a revision or number of revisions are made to an already existing Disability Access Certificate.

A building cannot be occupied, operated or opened to the public until a DAC is granted.

Please email drawings of the project to the above email address and a quote will be furnished to you promptly.